Getting married is a beautiful life event, unfortunately it can be a costly event as well. If you’re on a tight budget, go vintage! Vintage puts a classic touch on a traditionally fashionable, over-the-top day.
1. Fashion. Nothing is more vintage than a white skirt suit with slingbacks and a gorgeous bouquet of lilies.. Pin your hair back in simple combs and keep your makeup fresh.
2. Reception. Holding a elegant reception for your close family and friends in a quiet restaurant or at your parent’s home is the way to go. Enlist the help of everyone for the food and keep the decor simple in vintage style.
3. Photography. When going vintage, you must go flowery, black & white or simple single colour theme. Everyone will look attractively beautiful and out-shinning, no matter what!
4. Cake. A simple single-layer wedding cake is ideal stick with traditional buttercream and a vintage bride and groom topper.
5. Invitation. Wedding invitations are the guests’ first glance into the overall theme of the wedding. Creating your own beautiful vintage-chic invitations can be a simple and rewarding process. Just customize the invitation colors to your wedding’s color scheme.
6. Honeymoon. Niagara Falls, where else? Niagara Falls has lost its appeal to newlyweds as the years have gone by, but why rush off to a resort full of bikini-clad girls when you can visit one of nature’s most beautiful (and romantic) spots.